"Ars longa, vita brevis"
"Life is short, Art eternal"
Into the Trees..

Kokoda track, 1942. Moving a 25 pounder up the "Golden Stairs"
S.A.S. jeep

Small project using, Cyber-Hobby jeep, New-World miniatures figure and a legends upgrade set. Finished with AK products
Marder III M

Marder III M, part of the "Tamiya" Group build on Missing Lynx
Shinhoto Chi-Ha

Surrendering tanker, Iwo Jima, 1945
M4A3 Sherman

1/72 Dragon conversion of M4A3's used in the initial wave in the attack on Iwo Jima.
Panther A Late

Panther A early

Panther A Early
1/72 MIG T-28

1/72 MIG T-28, Thanks Rick!!
Churchill Mk.III

AFV club Churchill Mk.III, Italy, 1944

Jagdpanther Early-Dragon kit
Stug III

Stug III Ausf F/8 winter '44
Marder III

Part of Marder III group build on missing lynx
Tiger I

Skybow 1/48 scale Tiger I
StuIg 33b

Infantry guns moving into Stalingrad
Sherman 105

Sherman 105 during the battle for Okinawa 1945

A short break in the War. Italerie Staghound, ultracast figures
251/22 75 mm halftrack

A real old model I thought I'd add for the Hell of it.